Here with you – three words each of us longs to hear from our loved one. They make our joy full when we are doing well and ease our pain when we are hurting. It’s a wonderful thing to have one another, and it’s good to know how to hold each other close. But staying close can be much harder when the other is going through a hard time. But we all inevitably go through it, and we don’t have to go through it alone. Sometimes we are the ones who need support, sometimes others need our support. It is right and beautiful to carry each other’s burdens.

Difficult life situations can occur when a loved one faces a mental health issue. It’s hard to see them suffering, to not understand what is happening to them. It’s uncomfortable not knowing what to do, how to be there for them. It is especially difficult when, because of their suffering, they tend to withdraw, reject or suffocate us, with symptoms such as isolation, oversleeping, irritability, lack of interest, apathy, incessant worrying, constant need for reassurance. But despite our difficulties with these behaviors and attitudes, it is then that he or she needs us, our support, the most. These are the moments when it would be good to be able to say I AM HERE WITH YOU.

What does ‘HERE WITH YOU’ mean?

Wanting to know what is happening to you, asking you, listening to you, being there for you when you seek help, encouraging you, believing in you, trusting you, holding you in my arms, holding your hand are some expressions of HERE WITH YOU.

How can we help you say ‘I AM HERE WITH YOU’?

Sometimes we feel like and it comes natural being with someone we love, sometimes we want to, but we don’t know how to do it. That’s why we want to support you:

  • by giving you information about the most common mental health problems (anxiety and depression) so you can recognise them more easily;
  • by providing you with a free online screening to identify anxiety and depression disorders;
  • by bringing the perspectives of people who have experienced mental health problems closer to you;
  • by giving you recommendations on what you can do, how you can be there for your loved ones who are suffering.

When and where can you find out more about ‘HERE WITH YOU’?

This campaign will run from March to April 2020, on the Facebook page and on the website of  the Romanian Online Counseling and Psychotherapy Association (ACPOR). We invite you to follow our publications closely (articles, video testimonials, information about anxiety and depression, screening and recommendations).

The campaign was conducted in Romanian. You can find out more by using the hashtag #suntcutine on Facebook. For more information, please contact us.

Spune și tu: Sunt cu tine! (video)|https://www.acpor.ro/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/acpor_suntcutine_video_campanie.jpg|https://www.acpor.ro/spune-si-tu-sunt-cu-tine-video/
#suntcutine - publicații pe Facebook (2)|https://www.acpor.ro/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/acpor_suntcutine_14_vreau_sa_stiu_prin_ce_treci_mic.jpg|https://www.acpor.ro/publicatii-facebook-campania-sunt-cu-tine
Screening online: anxietate, depresie|https://www.acpor.ro/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/acpor_suntcutine_12_screening_online_mic.jpg|https://www.acpor.ro/screening-online/
Video despre depresie|https://www.acpor.ro/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/acpor_video_suntcutine_despre_depresie.jpg|https://www.acpor.ro/o-poveste-despre-depresie-video/
Video despre anxietate|https://www.acpor.ro/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/acpor_video_suntcutine_despre_anxietate.jpg|https://www.acpor.ro/o-poveste-despre-anxietate-video/
Tulburarea de panică|https://www.acpor.ro/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/acpor_suntcutine_8_atacuri_de_panica_mic.jpg|https://www.acpor.ro/tulburarea-de-panica/
Fobia specifică|https://www.acpor.ro/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/acpor_suntcutine_7_fobia_specifica_mic.jpg|https://www.acpor.ro/fobia-specifica/
Stresul posttraumatic|https://www.acpor.ro/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/acpor_suntcutine_6_stres_posttraumatic_mic.jpg|https://www.acpor.ro/stresul-posttraumatic/
Tulburarea obsesiv-compulsivă|https://www.acpor.ro/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/acpor_suntcutine_5_tulburare_obsesiv_compulsiva_mic.jpg|https://www.acpor.ro/tulburarea-obsesiv-compulsiva/
Anxietatea generalizată|https://www.acpor.ro/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/acpor_suntcutine_4_anxietate_generalizata_mic.jpg|https://www.acpor.ro/anxietatea-generalizata/
Anxietatea socială|https://www.acpor.ro/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/acpor_suntcutine_3_anxietate_sociala_mic.jpg|https://www.acpor.ro/anxietatea-sociala/
#suntcutine - publicații pe Facebook|https://www.acpor.ro/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/acpor_suntcutine_2_suntem_cu_voi_mic.jpg|https://www.acpor.ro/publicatii-facebook-campania-sunt-cu-tine
Lansarea campaniei SUNT CU TINE|https://www.acpor.ro/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/acpor_suntcutine_1_sunt_cu_tine_mic.jpg|https://www.acpor.ro/sunt-cu-tine-comunicat-de-presa-lansare/


The campaign HERE WITH YOU is carried out by the Romanian Online Counseling and Psychotherapy Association, with the support of Betfair Romania Development, and will run online from March to April 2020.

published on: 9 March 2020

published on: 9 March 2020