Course title: An inclusive approach to assessment of children with SEN

Aim of the training programme: to make the educational assessment of children with special educational needs more effective by learning about the possibilities of adapting traditional methods and implementing modern methods that have proven their effectiveness in educational practice for children with special educational needs.

Number of training hours: 60

Number of credits: 15

Objectives of the training programme:

1. To update the knowledge of didactic assessment in order to responsibly develop their own assessment tools that meet the needs of children with special educational needs

2. Differentiated approach to didactic assessment of children with special educational needs

3. Specifying an inclusive approach to assessment of school children with special educational needs

4. Critically reflecting on the quality of existing assessment methods in terms of the possibilities for implementation, adaptation and the information input they provide in order to meet the educational needs of children with SEN

5. Optimizing practices of assessing the educational progress of children with SEN

Skills targeted by the training programme:

General skills:

1. Integration of the main theories and models of a differentiated educational approach to children in the didactic assessment activity

2. Ensuring equal access to education for children with SEN

3. Developing adequate tools and procedures for the assessment of children with SEN

4. Effective didactic communication

Specific skills:

  • Development of assessment tests with the function of monitoring school progress and optimizing teaching based on new approaches in the field of assessment.
  • Adapting assessment methods to the specific needs of children with special educational needs
  • Planning assessment strategies and methods for children with SEN in an inclusive approach
  • Selecting assessment methods that adequately monitor the progress of children with special educational needs
  • Using tools to record assessment results and record the dynamics of child performance
  • Selection and responsible use of modern assessment methods and techniques in terms of their applicability to the subject area for children with SEN